Living Values
Every organization forms its individual culture (both consciously and unconsciously). Culture "emerges" from norms, values, beliefs, and mindsets that have proven themselves over time and are collectively shared by employees: Culture is shaped by shared experiences. (see Fig. 1). There is a cultural paradigm: "Culture eats strategy for breakfast." This quote by Peter Drucker describes a fundamental relationship in organizations: it is neither successful nor sustainable to act against the values or beliefs of a system.


In this regard, the culture of an organization influences how easily it adapts to certain situations. Accordingly, an organization with strong traditional values, where conformity, adherence to structures, and the pursuit of security are important for its members, will struggle with new and unfamiliar situations. Organizations with a strong affinity for future-oriented values, open to the unknown, who do not avoid uncertainty but instead experiment with new ideas and learn iteratively from mistakes, handle such situations better. In order to influence the development of an organization and its employees in a targeted and sustainable way, it is essential to determine the current state of the culture.
What is the organization's self-image, and what core values does it represent today? Only a methodologically sound analysis ensures the "emotional positioning" of the company and reveals differences between departments, regions, or hierarchical levels. The Accensa Corporate Culture Evaluation makes these manifestations "visible" and tangible (see Fig. 2).